We Help You Land a Remote Job!

Our experts will help you get that remote job by helping with your Resume, Cover letter, and LinkedIn profile and give you practical advice.

What We Offer?


Have you ever heard the question, what was your first impression of me? It’s all about that when it comes to your CV, and I bet you don’t want to leave a wrong impression on others, especially on your future dream team.

Cover Letter

Are you looking for a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree program?
Maybe an Internship or even your Future JobWorkshop, or Conference?
Well, so you have come to the right place!

LinkedIn Profile

We have the resources to create a cutting-edge Linkedin profile for you. We will help you create a successful LinkedIn profile and connect to recruiters and employers.

Remote Job Links

Once you have all set, now you are ready to apply! Do not worry. We will send you a remote job list reagrding your background.

Ready to Land Your Remote Job?

“ They transformed my old CV into a very creative one, and I am so happy with their work. I would work with them again!”
Sara T.
Content Writer
The final product far exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend Remote Workers Albania!!
Enisa H.
Computer Science Student
The service was more than good and it was delivered in time. Everything was correct and precise, just as i required. Thank you!
Oriela T.
Finance Student

Remote Workers Albania

Contact: remoteworkersal@gmail.com


Dervish Hima Street, 1000, Tirana